Bio identical Hormone therapy Kailua, HI

Overview of Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally produced in the human body. As we age, hormone levels decline causing unpleasant symptoms. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can help restore optimal levels alleviating symptoms and promoting wellness.

BHRT utilizes FDA-approved hormones identical to those produced in the body to supplement declining levels. Custom compounded BHRT solutions are tailored to match the body's natural hormone ratios and rhythms.

Benefits of Bioidentical HRT

Our services

Common Hormone Imbalances and Deficiency Signs

Imbalances in key hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and thyroid can negatively impact wellbeing. Understanding deficiency signs guides proper testing and treatment.

Estrogen Imbalance

Estrogen levels plummet during perimenopause and menopause leading to:

Progesterone Imbalance

Progesterone decline contributes to estrogen dominance causing:

Testosterone Deficiency

Testosterone levels fall steadily from age 30 onward in both genders. Low testosterone contributes to:

In women: - Low libido, arousal and orgasm dysfunction - Fatigue, muscle loss and weight gain - Depression, mood instability - Declining athletic performance

In men: - Reduced sexual desire, erection issues - Loss of strength and muscle mass - Increased body fat, BMI - Fatigue, low motivation - Depression, irritability - Loss of facial, body hair

DHEA Deficiency

DHEA is a precursor to estrogen and testosterone declining rapidly with age. Low DHEA can result in:

Thyroid Dysfunction

Thyroid issues often accompany reproductive hormone imbalance. Symptoms include:

Restore hormonal balance and improve your wellbeing now!

Customized Bioidentical HRT Treatment

Renewal Hormone Clinic utilizes state-of-the-art testing, high quality FDA-approved bioidentical hormones, and evidence-based protocols personalized for each patient's needs to restore hormone balance from the inside out.

Diagnostic Testing

Comprehensive hormone tests help identify imbalances for precision treatment planning. We utilize leading labs and test for:

Follow up tests during therapy ensure ideal hormone ratios and levels are achieved and maintained long term.

Bioidentical Hormones Utilized

Renewal Hormone Clinic offers a wide range of FDA-approved, high quality bioidentical hormones including:

Estrogens: - 17-beta estradiol - Bi-est, Estrace - Estriol - Bio-E-Gel, Divigel, Elestrin

Progesterone: - Prometrium

Testosterone: - Testosterone cypionate, enanthate - Depo-Testosterone, Delatestryl

DHEA - DHEA oral tablets or sublingual drops

Thyroid - T3, T4, combination T3/T4 - Tirosint, Levothyroxine

Hormones are carefully chosen to match the body's natural forms and rhythms promoting optimal balance. Renewal Hormone Clinic carries only the highest quality bioidentical hormones with extensive safety and efficacy data.

Personalized Treatment Protocols

Renewal Hormone Clinicians tailor bioidentical hormone therapy to each person's needs and preferences. We offer flexible options including:

Dosing is individualized then titrated based on follow up lab results and symptom improvement to reach ideal hormone ratios and levels promoting maximal benefits while avoiding risks.

Lifestyle recommendations enhance hormone balance and overall vitality:

The Many Benefits of Timely Treatment

Getting tested and starting bioidentical hormone therapy when hormone imbalance signs and symptoms first manifest provides considerable benefits enhancing treatment success and quality of life.

More Effective Treatment Response

Intervening at the initial stages of declining hormone levels increases the likelihood of treatment success and sustained benefits. Delaying treatment allows more severe symptoms and disease progression requiring more aggressive interventions.

Starting BHRT early maximizes benefits including:

Enhanced Quality of Life

Nipping hormone deficiency in the bud prevents progressive worsening of symptoms over time enhancing day to day wellbeing across all aspects of life:

The downstream benefits of early intervention with bioidentical HRT on vitality and longevity are immense. Don't settle for a suboptimal life - take charge of your health today with testing and personalized treatment!

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are not necessarily safer or more effective than synthetic hormones for menopausal symptoms. Large, long-term studies comparing health outcomes of bioidenticals versus synthetics are lacking, so the belief that bioidenticals are superior is currently more perception than evidenced-based medicine.

Restoring Vitality in Kailua

Renewal Hormone Clinic utilizes an integrative, patient-centered approach combining precision diagnostics, expert clinical wisdom and leading edge therapies to resolve hormone imbalance at its root cause - not just chase bothersome symptoms.

Why Choose Renewal Hormone Clinic?

As a trusted leader in bioidentical hormone therapy for over 15 years, Renewal Hormone Clinic offers Kailua residents struggling with hormone imbalance:

Convenience - Oahu's first dedicated bioidentical hormone clinic - Easy online booking - flexible hours - Simple pre-visit lab testing

Expertise & Care - Board certified specialists in hormone therapy - Empathetic clinicians listen deeply - Evidence-based precision treatment protocols

Top Quality Medications - Extensive bioidentical hormone selection - Only highest quality FDA-approved hormones - Compounded BHRT solutions tailored to unique needs

Holistic Guidance - Whole person counseling on: - Therapeutic lifestyle changes - Targeted nutritional support - Stress, mind-body therapies

Partnership Care - We journey together toward: - Sustainable balance, energy and wellbeing - Slowed aging and disease risk - A more purposeful and vibrant chapter of life

Reclaim your vitality and start feeling like your best self again with the help of Renewal Hormone Clinic' expertise in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

Let's Begin Your Healing Journey!

First, (). Then book a consultation to review results and create your precision treatment plan.

Our friendly coordinators are delighted to answer your questions and get you scheduled right away.

We look forward to partnering together in your bioidentical hormone therapy journey!

Restore balance and vitality with BHRT today!

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